September 14, 2020

How I’m Active on 10+ Platforms with a Full-Time Job and Don’t Burnout

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How I’m Active on 10+ Platforms with a Full-Time Job and Don’t Burnout


What’s up, y’all, we’re back with another episode of The Boujee Boss Up Podcast, and today I am sharing how I’m able to be active on over 10 platforms and not burnout.

The 10+ platforms that I’m on include Instagram (2 different accounts), Facebook (2 different accounts), Pinterest, LinkedIn (2 different accounts), Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, ConvertKit (for email marketing), YouTube, and 2 different websites, and my new personal brand website, (check it out for some goodies)!

So, before I share how I’m able to juggle all this, we’re going break down my activity, platform by platform.

On Instagram, I have my personal page, @khalasimmons, and my brand page, @themelaninperspectiveblog. On TMP’s Instagram page I post 3 times a day, every day, aka 90-93 posts a month. Those posts consist of blog teasers, YouTube teasers, podcast teasers, quotes, tips/hacks, this fun game called this or that, Black women, IGTV’s and sporadic polls when I’m looking for answers from my audience.

Now, right now I’m taking a break from the blog, but on the average month where I’m posting three times a week, that’s 12 blog posts a month.

I post 2 YouTube videos a week, so that’s 8 teasers a month.

I post 1 podcast episode a week, so that’s 4 audiograms a month.

Quotes are a daily thing I do, so that’s 30-31 of those a month.

Tips/hacks are roughly every other day, so that’s about 15-16 times a month.

The same applies to the this or that game, as they’re interchangeable with my tips/hack’s posts.

I post Black women on the days where I’m not posting a blog piece, YouTube video, podcast episode, or IGTV because I try to only have one “human” a day, and I’m usually the only human in these other instances I just mentioned. So, that’s usually around 4 times a month.

I do Instagram lives once a week, so that’s 4 times a month as well.

And the polls don’t have a set amount, it just depends on when I really need some responses from my audience, but when I do, I’ll post them in place of the tips/hacks or the this or that posts.

So, that’s TMP’s Instagram page. I know, it’s a lot. But just hang tight because I going to share how I’m not pulling my hair out.

Moving along to my personal Instagram page, @khalasimmons, I’m not nearly as active as I should be, but I do post at least once a week to share my podcast teasers.

I should also note that regarding Instagram stories, I post everything from TMP’s feed on both their stories and my personal page’s stories. This way, I can create story highlights for both pages.

So, that’s Instagram. Next up is Facebook.

Facebook is not nearly as overwhelming as Instagram is, simply because I just post the exact same things.

The main difference on The Melanin Perspective’s Facebook is just that instead of adding links to my bio for blog posts, videos and podcast episodes, I just add the direct link in the post, which means no teasers and adjusted verbiage.

Similarly to my personal Instagram page, I’m not as active on my personal Facebook page, @KhalaSimmonsOfficial as I should be. (Not technically my personal page, I have an actual personal Facebook account. This is my business page for my personal brand). I usually just share posts from TMP’s Facebook page.

So, that’s Facebook. Now we’re looking at Pinterest.

I just recently created a Pinterest account for The Melanin Perspective, so honestly I’ve been in the process of uploading all my blog posts. I’ve only got the Melanin Boujee Boss section left before I’m all caught up and can really start actively pinning. So far, we’ve garnered 3.3K monthly viewers and a whopping 6 followers, but once again, I’ve just been uploading blog pins, so that’s actually pretty good for Pinterest. I’ll make sure to come back and give you guys an update as we become even more active, because this has been a really extensive process.

Moving right along!

For LinkedIn, I have a personal account and an account for TMP. This is similar to Facebook in regard to the layout of the posts, but I only post on LinkedIn to promote a blog piece, YouTube video or podcast episode. Super minimal, I know.

Sidenote: I know this may seem really intimidating to someone starting out, but it’s taken a while for me to get to this point, and I still have a lot to improve on. Make sure to show yourself grace.

Onto the podcast platforms!

You’re probably currently listening to this podcast on Apple PodcastsSpotify or Google Podcasts, and have access to the episode descriptions.

I use Libsyn for my podcast host and create summaries, aka show notes as you may know them, for each episode. The cool thing about Libsyn is you only have to upload the episode and write the show notes once and it pushes the podcast episode out on each connected podcast platform. So, that’s how I’m able to distribute The Boujee Boss Up Podcast in so many places.

For email marketing, I use ConvertKit and push out newsletters once a week. Creating content for this is easy because all I have to do is summarize the content I released that week and provide the links. You can even re-use the copy from the social media captions promoting said content to make things even simpler.

Sidenote: You can also do this for the podcast show notes as well.

Now, for those that don’t know how email marketing works, you just have to create the email sequences and link it with landing pages you make to create automations, and then you can send it out to the masses with one click.

That was definitely the cliff notes version, as email marketing can get pretty extensive and you may not even know what half of those words just meant, but that’s the gist of how it works. I’ll make sure to do an entire episode dedicated to email marketing later on.

Next up, we’ve got YouTube!

As mentioned previously, we upload 2 videos a week, but here’s where things get really interesting.

A secret to how I’m able to stay consistent on not only YouTube, but a majority of the other platforms listed is because I work in batches.

I’ve already got videos scheduled to post through all of October because I film and edit them six at a time. So, this is the process for that:

I would film 3 videos on Monday.

Film 3 videos on Tuesday.

Edit the 3 videos filmed Monday on Wednesday.

Edit the 3 videos filmed Tuesday on Thursday.

Create the teasers and the teaser graphics for social media and schedule the 6 edited videos on YouTube on Friday.

I should also mention that to help streamline the filming process, I made outlines the night before to help me stay on track.

I also batch wrote in sixes for the blog. This process looked a little different though.

I can only usually push out one blog piece a day because it can be draining, especially since I cover such heavy topics like mental health, emotional intelligence and physical well-being.

So, I just write one TMP blog post a day for six days straight.

I did this every other week, going back and forth with YouTube creation week.

Doing this helped me streamline my social media content and gave me wiggle room to fit in other CEO and personal life activities.

Since I’ve finished this most recent round of batch writing and filming, I’ve started a full-time job, so I probably won’t have time to work in sixes when I start back up. I’ll most likely work in threes on the weekends.

By now you’re probably wondering, “Okay, what could you possibly have leftover to put up on your personal website?!”

Well, I post the podcast episodes and accompanying blog posts every week, for one. And that process kind of knocks out three birds with one stone. I write out the podcast episode before recording, which helps me stay on track and cuts down on editing (I literally just take out the white noise and add in the intro and outro clips before exporting). Then I’m able to copy and paste that transcription and use it as the blog post with the podcast player on my website.

I also have a freebies section where I share any lead magnets I create, and I have a biz tools section that links all my favorite software and apps used to streamline my business.

So, there you have it! These are all the platforms I’m on.

And if you weren’t getting a headache with my extensive content breakdown and were paying really close attention, then you would have noticed a reoccurring theme throughout this episode:

Repurposed content.

You guys, I can’t stress enough how vital it is to repurpose your content.

For one, this makes the creation process easier for you, because you don’t have to rack your brain as much for new ideas.

Secondly, it serves as additional promotion for the initial content you released because you can cross-link it.

Case and point, the tips and hacks that I post on social media are pulled directly from my YouTube videos, blog posts and podcast episodes. In fact, tomorrow evening at 6:00 pm EST you will see a tip about repurposing and I will remind everyone to check out this podcast episode.

This is key because we all know that people usually need to see something more than once before taking action, so doing this serves multiple purposes (no pun intended).

I also want to reiterate how important working in batches is when it comes to the mass production of your content.

When I work in batches for the blog, YouTube channel and podcast, I’m able to create social media and email marketing content around that instead of planning in hypotheticals.

Before I started working in batches, I would just organize social media posts using random placeholders for my new content and create entirely different quotes, tips/hacks, etc., both extending the creation process and not fleshing out my current content enough.

And, when random life situations occurred that I had to tend to, I would sometimes have nothing to publish because I hadn’t planned ahead, which is a HUGE no-no if you want to build a credible and reputable brand.

I’m telling you batching will change both your life and your business.

So, where can you start? Everything starts with a plan.

I plan in 3-4 month increments, but that might be a little much for you to start with, so map out what you want the next month to look like for both your brand and your personal life because that matters, too.

What content do you want to release? How long will it take to create said content? Which platforms will you be on? How often do you want to be active? What personal life events do you need to set aside time for?

Use these types of questions to guide your plans. And don’t just keep it all in your head, create a google doc, some post-it notes, even do it old-school like me with a physical journal and planner. Just get it down and then start taking action.

So, to review, what did we learn here today?

We learned that to be consistent with our content, we must (1) map out a clear plan, (2) work in batches and (3) repurpose our content.

Now, you don’t have to be as active on as many platforms as I am, I’m kind of like the extreme version of what content creation looks like, but figure out what content creation looks like and feels right for you and go from there.

I can’t wait to see all of your amazing content, Boujee Boss! It’s time for your brand’s takeover. 

Also available on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Google Podcasts and Stitcher

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